Which custom handlebar for which custom ride?
Custom bikes and custom rides need custom handlebars
The perfect ride is what you make it. Part of this process means tweaking and customizing YOUR ride for YOU. You will enjoy your ride so much more if you pay attention to what choices are out there for you. Take the time to look around, ask around and do your ‘desktop research’. There is a tonne of info on Google, so make the best of it.
Types of custom bikes
Let’s jump into them. Some are Universally known and others will have a variation on their name (and style and customizing) but at the end of the day you are going to want to go with what works for you. A lot of styles even have their own dedicated Wikipedia page; they are so much a part of our culture.
Most guys and girls are hooked once they go for their very first ride so it’s worth pointing out that you are going to want to go with a style that not only suits you now but also for the rest of your riding life. But hey, if you can afford it and want to change styles over time that’s cool too!